It was the famous American family therapist, Heather Mc-cue
who said “The whole point of woman – centered birth is the knowledge that a
woman is the birth power source. She may need and deserve help, but in essence,
she always had, currently has, and will have the power.”
Some young mothers I spoke with recently explained
joyfully that their first birth experience had been that of inexplicable
happiness. One of them even put it this way “The joy of having my flesh and
blood through child birth had been overwhelming… that first cry was the
beginning of reality.”
Motherhood is one of the major duties of every woman. It
involves more that just caring and feeding the baby. The mother needs to be
patient, cautious, alert and be healthy enough to take proper care of her baby.
She should look forward to motherhood with a positive
mindset. It is not a bed of roses though stress and sleepless nights will rear
their heads. She should be unperturbed and remain resolute. The joy of
motherhood will cushion all these pains.
The husband should not be an onlooker. He too has vital
roles to play in this. As an accomplice, he should not shirk his
responsibilities. He sow the seed, he should be ready to nurture it to
fruition! His words of encouragement and assistance in various forms will go a
long way in ameliorating the stress and fatigue that go along with motherhood.
Happy motherhood to all our nursing mothers. Ciao!
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