Sunday 28 January 2018


By Femi Abulude

Peju was introduced to me as a business partner by Lasun. If his reputation with women was anything to go by, there would be more to it than just business associates. It did not take long before I was proved right. Peju was economically buoyant no doubt about it, and she used to dole out money to her close associates. True to type, she was enhancing Lasun’s business. When we became closer, she also showed interest in my business. She sent a sum of N250,000 through one of her friends called Tinuke. I called her on phone and expressed my appreciation. I also told Lasun and implored him to help me thank her.
Few months later, Lasun brought an invitation card of a funeral ceremony. He said the late Chief was Tinuke’s Uncle. I know this girl, she was the one Peju sent with the money she gave me, Lasun also gave me the cap material chosen for the party.
When we were preparing to take off for the party, Lasun advised that I should put on white coloured agbada Lace materials as he had done, I obeyed him. I later realized that Peju and her friend, the celebrant wore white Lace materials too. Come and see the spectacle. The four of us turned, out like two jolly couples, with purple head gear and cap to match.
Well wishers and invited guests were coming to exchange pleasantries with Tinuke. Some were even giving her gifts. I was hearing some of them whispering to her “S’awon niyen?” meaning “Is he the one?” insinuating if I was her husband. Surprisingly Tinuke was answering them in affirmative! I called Lasun aside and intimated him on this development. He explained that Tinuke had separated from her husband long time ago. That the guy had even travelled abroad and re-married. Since that episode she had been very wary of men.
 I felt a little relaxed, hoping that the play acting role would end after the party. How wrong I was? Few days later, Peju called me and said I should see her because she had a very important issue to discuss with me, what could it be? We have not seen each other after the party. It was only Tinuke that called to express her appreciation.
On the appointed date, I met Peju in her shop already waiting for me. I was ushered into her office. Everything about this lady smelt of wealth. After the initial pleasantries and appreciation for honouring her friends invitation to the party, she went straight to the point. “Mr. Olajide my friend said she liked you and would want both of you to start a relationship. Tinuke is a nice lady. “I’ve known her right from our secondary school days. Since then we had remained inseparable. She can never be a problem to you, instead she can add value to your life”. What answer should I provide for this poser? I asked myself .
Before I could say anything the door of the rest room flung opened and Tinuke emerged beaming with smile. “Ranti how are you? Thank you for the other day” Just like that! It has now become Ranti and not Mr. Olajide that she was calling me before. Peju just changed the topic. After some general gists, she called one of her maids and sent for food. She instructed her aloud to be fast. She came back in a jivy. When she set the table, the meal was arranged in two places, meaning I had to eat with Tinuke. That was how the relationship evolved.
Tinuke said she was looking for a more befitting house as the one she was staying was too small for her. She eventually got one at Mowe. According to the care – taker of the new house, the Landlord had given a stern warning not to give out the house to either a bachelor or a single lady. That was how I was drafted into the rent issue. She had to fill the form as my wife and I countered signed as her husband. It looked strange, “Mrs. Olajide” when the real Mrs. Olajide was at home! After some months, Tinuke claimed she was pregnant. I kicked against this and told her to terminate it. She refused and started calling me unprintable names. I stormed out of her house in annoyance and stopped picking her calls, I didn’t pick Peju’s calls as well.
When I told my friend Lasun about the development he thought it was funny. “Ranti, these ladies can take care of themselves, why are you bothering yourself over nothing?” He waved it off “Lasun, its easier said than done. See what you have caused. Can you face my wife and tell her what has happened and the roles you played or better still, if Peju gets pregnant for you can you look your wife in the face and reveal it to her? I now realized how stupid I had been listening to you”. I stormed out of his office in anger.
Out of desperation, Tinuke came to my house one Saturday morning. It was my wife that opened the door. I followed her to see who was at the door it was Tinuke! She brought out a sheet of paper and said she was looking for a certain number on the street. My wife told her that she has come to a wrong place. What an irony! Tinuke thanked her, gave me a cold look and left. I heaved a sigh of relief. I am already in a cage. Who knows what she would do next? Tinuke is at the verge of breaking my home. What can I do now?

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