Wednesday, 7 March 2018


Dear Aunty Meg,

          I’m impressed how you have been helping people solved their problems. I hope you would be able to help me out of my present predicament.
          I am in love with this guy, in fact we have set in motion our marriage plans before I got to know that he had been deceiving me all alone. We started our relationship on a platonic note right from our secondary school days.

          When I gained admission into the University in the South Eastern part of Nigeria he claimed he had been admitted into a polytechnic at the North Western part of the country. He later on went for his national youth service. I completed mine a year earlier than his because of the mandatory one year industrial attachment for national diploma courses. I then proceeded on my masters programme
          My problem started when a cousin of his claimed that my lover had not gone to any higher institution. She said he had been deceiving me all along. When I confronted him, his answer baffled me. He said what had education got to do with love and marriage. On further enquires, I realized that he had been deceiving me. What should I do Aunty? ----- Jelly

Dear jelly,
          Accept my sympathy on your present predicament. This guy has no doubt betrayed your trust and love. This is deceit written in capital letters. Apart from the fact that both of you are no longer on the same plane social status wise, he is not also trustworthy. Only God knows what he could do next.
          A house built on quick sand without solid foundation will surely collapse. Count your teeth with your tongue sister!
___ Aunty Meg

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