Wednesday 1 March 2017


By Femi Abulude

I have eventually followed my boss to the camp o! I was lost inside the three kilometer by three kilometer spiritual arena. I hope you are not going to ask me which camp. I did not go there for sight seeing. It was a spiritual visit which has changed my life for good. We would talk on this as time goes on. I was welcomed like a prodigal son and treated like a king.

By now you should be privy to how my boss has been preaching to me on the issue of spirit, body and soul. I have decided to forsake evil and toll the path of righteousness. I am not joking o. You don’t joke with issues that concern God. Why are you surprised? Have I done worst things than Saul who later became Paul? Was David not boasted by God as the man after his heart despite his escapades?

My boss and some of his colleagues in the family affairs ministry have been preaching to me but when two of his sisters, one in London and the other one at Maryland joined and explained to me the need to be a vessel unto honour, I made up my mind to reach out to my colleagues who are still on the fast lane. When the sister in the chamber, whom I fondly called Sister Cool saw me last week at a social function at Fadeyi she commended me by saying. “Faari trust God, you are doing great!” my joy knew no bounds.

Relax; you are not going to miss anything. My duty from now on is to give expose on my past escapades so that others can learn. Righteousness qualifies you as God’s own. See you at the top!


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