Wednesday 22 March 2017


I had an appointment with Roluke as she did not come on time; I decided to wait at the hotel’s garden and was sipping my drink. As I was settling down, I took a cursory look around me. Among all the pretty faces, a particular one caught my attention.

Aa - ah! It was Tessy! This was the girl I brought here last week. I picked my phone and sent her a text message.

Mr. Faari: What do you want here again?
Tessy: Oobi! Useless man (she replied)
Mr. Faari: You are so shameless; you cannot even tell him to take you somewhere else.
Tessy: How does that concern you?
Mr. Faari: It is my concern because I used to bring you here. I own this land!
Tessy: Which land?
Mr. Faari: Tessy, you are an incorrigible prostitute.
Tessy: See me o! Kettle calling pot black!
Mr. Faari: If you annoyed me, I’ll come and create a scene at your table over there.
Tessy: You dare not. The man here is an army officer. his ADC is the one sitting behind you.
I looked at my back and saw this hefty looking guy in smart military uniform. I sulked in silence. Tessy had won this battle. Where is Roluke o?


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