Sunday 16 April 2017


My husband, Lazarus, was an advertisement executive officer in a media house, while I sold provision materials and toiletries in a shop near our house. He lost his job through what I gathered later on to be due to his fraudulent actions. Having nothing to do again, he joined me in the shop.

He was the one that prompted me to join the health team of our church. In this team, we had trained health workers who treated church members and majored in child delivery. I soon learned the nitty – gritty of child delivery.

My husband had mis–informed the people in our area that he was a medical doctor, and that his wife was a nurse. They started bringing their pregnant women for delivery. We became popular and money kept coming in. He later abandoned me in the shop and went to rent a bungalow and erected a clinic signpost in front of the building. He said I was a thorn in his flesh. The reason being that I always taunted him with the fake life he was living. “Dr. Lazarus my foot!”

Laz, you know, you are not a medical doctor. Why are you deceiving the people? You may end up in jail if the truth is known. Besides, our church members had been grumbling about your deceit…” Jealous woman. I know you are not happy about my progress. It is you and your family members that would go to jail, not me…” We would go on and on. He would shout me down and threatened to beat me up.

The bubble burst when a lady died during child birth in his clinic. Her family did not take it lying low with him. They got him arrested. The police requested for his certificates. He had none; therefore he could not produce any. They milked him dry. He spent close to six months in detention. We eventually rallied round and got him off the hook. He had no other option than to close down the fake clinic.

Shame could not allow him move freely in the community again. He left me and the children and relocated to another part of the city. He established a school and named it “Dr. Lazarus International School”. He sold a dummy to the people that he had PhD in Education. On hearing this, parents started withdrawing their children from the existing schools. They were registering them at Dr. Lazarus International School.

Nemesis eventually caught up with him when it was time to register students for final examination. He had boasted more than what he could handle. Pride could not allow him to approach the schools around him for guidance on the registration procedures. His school was not registered. He was still ruminating on what to do when the registration period expired. Therefore, he could not register the students. Unfortunately for him, an Uncle of one of the students was a top official in the State’s Ministry of Education. This man miffed with what happened did his investigation and realized that my husband was a fraudulent person.

Expectedly, Lazarus could not produce the registration fees he collected from the students. That was how the school was shamefully closed down and my husband ended up in the police net again.

As I am writing this, I have relocated to my home town. The shame was too much. I am thinking of divorcing Lazarus. He had got another woman. It was this lady that came to inform us about his present ordeal. Can you imagine the effrontery!

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