Thursday 11 May 2017


Dear Aunty Meg,
I want you to assist me in solving this my problem. I took permission from my husband to
travel to our village few months ago. I went for an Uncle’s funeral. He warned me not to extend my stay beyond the date he gave me. One thing led to another and I overstayed. When I got back to Abuja, he ordered me to go back to my parents. I refused initially but when he threatened to kill me, I packed my load and left with my two children, a girl and a boy.He said I should leave the elderly boy behind but I refused.
Immediately we got to the village, the boy started falling sick. He later developed some complications and died. I did not inform him about the sickness. My problem now is how I would inform my husband about his son’s death. I still love him. ---------- Paulina.

Paulina, your problem started when you overstayed beyond your husband’s instruction. Probably, if you had informed him on phone about the extensions, his annoyance would have been reduced. Another fault of yours was your decision not to tell him about his son’s ailment. In all you have not allowed free flow of communication in the whole saga. My advice is to implore some elders from both families to placate him. Don’t leave out people from the church too. God will help you.

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