Wednesday 10 May 2017


By Femi Abulude

Ever since I could remember, people had been commenting on both physical and behavioral similarities between Sister Eliza and I. This was not surprising though Sister Eliza was the first daughter of our parents. Ours was a family of seven, made of three girls and two boys. I was the forth in the family.

While I was growing up, I saw Sister Eliza as my role model, hoping to become a nurse like her in future. Our other siblings were always envious of the mutual understanding between us. I was her protégé, always running errands for her and following her about on social visits to her friends.

Sisters Eliza was already a nurse working in one of the government owned hospitals in the present Osun State that was in the 80s. Before the other family members knew about her fiancé, obviously I had already known brother Kayode. He was a pharmacist working in the same hospital as my sister. Therefore, when both of them got married, it did not require much persuasion before my parents agreed that I should follow the young couple to Osogbo.
Sister Eliza wanted me to be a nurse like her, this had always been my life ambition and I was studying very hard to achieve this, Uncle Kayode was loving and caring too. When sister took to bed and was delivered of a baby boy, our joy knew no bounds Uncle Kayode and Sister Eliza were planning a thank you visit to our parents and his after the naming ceremony. They were to go on Saturday evening; the journey had to be adjusted slightly when Uncle Kayode came back from the office on Friday evening to announce that he would not be able to go. He implored his wife to go because the two parents would be expecting them. That was how sister and the baby went without him.

On this particular day, he came back from the office earlier than usual; I did not suspect any foul play. I prepared dinner in the evening and shortly later retired to my room for my normal evening studies. At about 10:30pm, I had a knock on my door, it was Uncle Kayode. I opened the door for him and he entered the room. He sat on the bed and cleared his throat and asked: “ Roda my dear, how are you preparing for your examination?” I told him I was trying my best, he collected the exercise book from me and was going through the mathematical sums I had practiced.

He made some corrections and explained the answers, after this, Uncle Kayode rested his both hands on my shoulders and said in a very deep tone. “ Roda, you know, you really resemble your sister. In fact, you can go for her double take, the type of love I have for her is the one I have for you too...” He kept on like that, as he was talking, he was removing his boxer pant, I was stupefied. He dashed to the door and locked it from behind, I was afraid. He came back to where I was rooted to the floor unable to move. I wore nothing underneath the wrapper I tied around my chest, he carried me like a baby and dumped me on the bed, he made a gesture to me not to shout. When I screamed he covered my mouth and face with pillow then spread my legs wide apart. I felt his manhood around my naked cunt. He kept on ramming into me. After some jerkins and pumping, he forcefully entered me. Uncle Kayode had deflowered me!

I was alarmed, after some time, he released his power and fell on top of me like a deflated balloon. He attempted to kiss me, I dodged my mouth, I just lay there helplessly. The pains in my groin could be better imagined; he stood up and warned me never to tell my sister or anyone what had happened, he threatened that if I did, he would kill me.
Sister Eliza came back from her journey and I pretended as if nothing happened, I kept what happened between me and her husband to myself, he was extra ordinary nice to me, but I hated him like plague. But the beast has tasted me, and would no stop. He made it a regular affair. He impregnated me once and quickly arranged for abortion.

Nemesis caught up with us one evening. Sister Eliza had just given birth to another baby. Uncle Kayode said he had some private studies to do another baby’s cry. He kayoed said he had some private study to do, he also complained about the baby’s cry. He told his wife that he would prefer my room. I knew I was in for another round sex.

Few hours later, Uncle Kayode came and resumed his sexual orgy. I struggled with him, but as usual, he had his way, we were in the middle of the action when the door suddenly burst opened. In his lustful haste, Uncle Kayode forgot to shut the door! Sister Eliza caught us pants down. She screamed. “Kayode! Roda!!”. She turned back covered her face with her both hands and ran back to her room.

Uncle Kayode quickly dressed up and went to meet his wife. Quarrel ensued between them. Before the day broke, I decided on what to do. I packed all my belongings and left that house. I stayed with some of my mates who were residing in a rented house very close to our schools. That was where I was throughout my examination period. When I was through, I went to my parents. Sister Eliza kept the secret between us till the time I am writing this story.

I eventually became a nurse like her but I did not have a settled home. I am a single mother of two children: a boy and a girl.

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