I enjoy all your comments o jare without any apology, I am me. I
can’t just pretend to be somebody else. Most people out there are pretenders.
They do and commit unprintable atrocities and pretend as if nothing has taken

There was this young lady,
Julie Keke (Julie for short) who has interest in my boss. He rebuffed all her entreaties
and started preaching the gospel to her. When she realized that she could not
penetrate him, she switched her interest to me. Faari, a fe arugbo tewu-tewu, agban’ya agba bi eni gbon’wu. Omo Amao Onikoko
nidi agbon!
Fast, fast, I read her loud
and clear. Before you could say Akanni Aro I have taken her to Galilee,
Nazareth and Jericho thrice! Bo!
The three outings were
terrible; on the first occasion, I had a burst tyre on our way back and my car
ended up in a ditch. The second time, armed robbers pursued us, the tell tale
marks of their bullet holes are still on my car up till now. The final straw
was that on our last outing, vehicle Inspection officers arrested me and
impounded my car for a broken pointer and faulty break light.
Without being told, I told
myself enough was enough! I started dodging Julie. I eventually deleted her and
her bad legs from my list.
You can see some of the evil
things these men of God always miss. Their shield is their righteousness.
Please don’t tell my boss my experience o, He would gleefully say “God don catch me”.
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