Tuesday 27 December 2016


Few years ago while at school of nursing, I joined some of my peers to play some dangerous pranks. One of them has turned out to be my undoing now.

On several occasions; we were contracted out as hostesses during seminars, state sponsored events and other social outings. In the real sense, the word ‘hostess’ is an acronym for prostitute. There were some syndicates in charge of these activities. What you need to do to have regular patronage was to get registered with them.
Another of my escapades was “Tango with dog.” In the game of dogs, we would be asked to have sex with dog under video coverage. The organizers of this game signed undertaking with us never to sell or release the video within the shore of Africa. They assured us that it would be taken to far flung countries like Russia, Ukraine, and Vietnam etc., where nobody could recognize us. We made a lot of money through this, because they were paying us in foreign currencies. We were living big on the campus.

When I left school, I started working in a very large hospital. It was there I met this handsome young doctor on housemanship. Our relationship blossomed and we got married.

We decided to go to Australia for our honeymoon. My husband had this cousin who looked exactly like him. The resemblance was so striking that they looked like identical twins. Gabby, my husband had shown me many of his pictures. This guy was also married and based in Australia. I was eager to meet him.

When we landed in Australia, the couple was happy to receive us. The similarities between Sammy and my husband were striking. His wife also marveled at these. We were enjoying our honeymoon without any distractions when I foolishly used my hand to pick trouble.

Four of us were relaxing in the sitting room one cool afternoon when I walked to their compact disc shelf and picked one. I did not even bother to check the jacket. I slotted it into the home theatre set.

Behold, the compact disc was rolling. The camera zoomed into the face of this young black lady. It also had a close shot on the big fierce looking dog. It then had the panoramic view of the scene where the lady was slowly removing her clothes. She was eventually in total nudity.

She knelt on all fours. The big dog climbed on her back and started simulating sexual act; pumping into her furiously, she was groaning as if in pains.

Back into the room, all eyes were on me with mouth agape. I fainted! Only God knew for how long that took. I just found myself in a bed in the hospital. It was Ann, the cousin’s wife and a nurse that I saw beside my bed. Where is Gabby? Where is Sammy? I wondered.

Ann later disclosed to me that Gabby had left for Nigeria the previous day. After spending a week in the hospital, I was discharged and boarded the next flight to Nigeria. On arrival, Gabby did not talk to me; He had not sent me away but had been avoiding me like a plague. He had not uttered a single word to me since.

Whom should I confide in to help me beg my husband? What can I do to win my husband back? Please help me.

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