Monday 5 December 2016


Tongues have been wagging on the possibility of some demons residing in the Aso villa; Nigerian seat of power. The claims had it that these demons are always on duty 24/7. These demons mislead the leaders and turn their good intentions into bad ones immediately they entered the villa. Some even went into the extent of saying that these demons were responsible for the death of two heads of government and a first lady.

These assertions were corroborated recently by no other person than our own Reuben Abati. For emphasis sake, Mr. Reuben Abati, whom I fondly called “Eni arugbo ti kekere ye” was a first class journalist , former chairman editorial board  of  Guardians Newspapers (Nigeria) and the former media man for former president Dr Goodluck Jonathan. With these resume, one cannot dismiss with a wave of hand his comments.

In his piece about haunted Aso rock villa, Reuben alleged that demons walked upside down; some men were sterile and could not perform their matrimonial duties. Women too were seeing ghosts even in the daylight and several deaths were recorded. He claimed he refused to sleep in his official quarters throughout his tenure for fear of being killed by these demons. How true all these are, we can never tell, until the people in authority open a positive book of remembrance for yours truly to come and serve in Aso villa!

What surprised me was that immediately Reuben wrote this revelation, EFCC opened a negative book of remembrance for him and invited him to come and account for some money traced into his account. Since then, he has been singing like canary in the custody of EFCC. Could it be that the Aso villa demons are not yet through with Reubie?

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